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Arcadian #19 - Is It Cooler Yet?

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Arcadian #19 - Is It Cooler Yet?

Judged by: 10307

Closed: September 9, 2016

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
72 BCP Patchett's Under Your Skin Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 3859
73 RCP Moggie/Varekai's Fabulously Wealthy Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 10784
73 RCP BBAM's Total Sweetheart of Patchett Mixed Breed Dog Companion Intermediate 3859
73 RCP Meezerville/Cargo's Allie isn't in the Alley Siamese Companion Intermediate 7236
73 RCP Blizzard SINHAM VETA Rhodesian Ridgeback Companion Intermediate 7124
75 BCP Parade's Gorgeous By Design Mixed Breed Cat Companion Advanced 10784
69 BCP PCK's Stearinlys Old Danish Pointer Companion Novice 21
69 BCP Daytona's Prince of Thieves Bengal Companion Novice 4816
71 HMCP Catnap's Mood Swings Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 10784
71 HMCP Sun My Soul Winter Way Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 11772
70 RCP Hybridize's Soft Spoken Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 10784
69 BCP Patchett/PRKC's Plan So Cunning Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 3859
69 BCP Patchett's Theoretical Menace Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 3859
70 RCP Boheme The Scrappiest Pup Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 7908