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Judged by: 6

Closed: November 11, 2012

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
49 1st PI's Hawaiian Punch Turkish Angora Aptitude Novice 30
50 2nd PI's Eyes of Fortune Siberian Aptitude Novice 30
51 3rd PI's Paws Off LaPerm Aptitude Novice 30
52 4th PI's Here Kitty Kitty British Shorthair Aptitude Novice 30
53 HM Bask Little Gypsy LaPerm Aptitude Novice 10307
53 HM PI's Spell it Thai Aptitude Novice 30
54 1st Lakeshore's Pride of the Jungle Japanese Bobtail Aptitude Open 30
55 2nd LSK/RSK's Crocodile Rock Tabby Aptitude Open 30