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Supernova #57

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Supernova #57

Judged by: 6

Closed: August 8, 2011

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
49 1st Epica It's A Kind Of Magic British Shorthair Aptitude Novice 5408
50 2nd Kaleidoscope's Shades of Spring Black and White Shorthair Aptitude Novice 9055
51 3rd MST's Squander My Wealth LaPerm Aptitude Novice 7339
52 4th NI Timur Verbi Manx Aptitude Novice 9859
53 HM Sigature's Zoom Zoom Zoom Manx Aptitude Novice 9837
53 HM ACK's Best Cat Breed Abyssinian Aptitude Novice 9859
54 1st Twin's To Serve Man British Shorthair Aptitude Open 7339