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Argent #41

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Argent #41

Judged by: 9

Closed: June 6, 2004

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
69 BCP PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Companion Novice 103
70 RCP MYH Strong as a Ox Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 0
69 BCP PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Companion Novice 103
70 RCP PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Companion Novice 103
71 HMCP BVK's Tile Mosaic English Pointer Companion Novice 0
69 BCP PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Companion Novice 103
70 RCP PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Companion Novice 103