Ch BC's Hoping for a better Day


Petz Info

Showname: Ch BC's Hoping for a better Day

Call Name: Hope

PKC#: A37184

Breed: Saluki (Longhair)

Sex: F

Version: Petz 0

Owned by: 882

Hexed/Bred by:

Handled by:

Registered by: 103 on December 22, 2005

Status: Retired


Hope came to me at a day where my mom's client had just passed away and everything so gloomy. My mom worked as a live in caregiver at the time.

Things still are grim, but I hope for a better day, hence the showname.
Hope has a wonderful build in my opinion. She'd make an excellent conformation saluki, but because her eye spots are small and hard to see, the registrators missed seeing one of her eye patches. (it was covered up by one of the snout/head addballz). However I hope that a new picture I took Wed. May 3rd, may help shed light on her registration. Because I like her build, I plan to breed her, regardless of her registration class. I have a feeling that her and her offspring will go really far in either ring when it comes time.


This petz has no offspring.


Ch BC's Hoping for a better Day
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
BOB Supernova #39 Conformation June 15, 2006
BOS Supernova #40 Conformation June 21, 2006
BOB PKC Express Shows #10 Conformation July 14, 2006
BOS Linden #12 Conformation April 15, 2007
BOB Supernova Conformation December 27, 2013
BOS Bramblewood #11 Grand Conformation March 9, 2014
AOM Carpe Diem #2 Grand Conformation April 1, 2014
Title Date
Ch January 13, 2014