Rivendell Picture of Innocence ACP ChPC


Petz Info

Showname: Rivendell Picture of Innocence ACP ChPC

Call Name: Isolde

PKC#: P169886

Breed: Mixed Breed Cat

Sex: F

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 10307

Hexed/Bred by: 94

Handled by:

Registered by: 36 on March 26, 2017

Status: Retired



This petz has no offspring.


Rivendell Picture of Innocence ACP ChPC
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
RCP Medusa #12 Companion Novice December 26, 2017
BCP Medusa #17 Companion Novice May 17, 2018
RCP Insanity's Summer Flash #1 Companion Novice May 30, 2018
BCP Nightwish Companion #5 Companion Novice January 1, 2018
RCP Silversheene Companion #12 Companion Intermediate August 1, 2018
RCP Medusa #20 Companion Intermediate August 6, 2018
HMCP PrimroseKandC's Companion #6 Companion Intermediate August 18, 2018
HMCP Nightwish Companion Companion Intermediate August 20, 2018
HMCP Wolf's Companion Show #21 Companion Intermediate August 29, 2018
BCP PrimroseKandC's Companion #7 Companion Advanced September 20, 2018
HMCP Silversheene Companion #14 Companion Advanced October 1, 2018
RCP Medusa #21 Companion Advanced October 8, 2018
BCP Medusa #22 Companion Advanced November 22, 2018
Title Date
GPC April 1, 2017
XPC April 22, 2017
ChPC April 25, 2017
NCP June 13, 2018
ICP August 31, 2018
ACP November 26, 2018