PRKC's Mighty Little Lady ACP


Petz Info

Showname: PRKC's Mighty Little Lady ACP

Call Name: Stella

PKC#: P148833

Breed: Mixed Breed Cat

Sex: F

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 10784

Hexed/Bred by:

Handled by:

Registered by: 113 on January 10, 2014

Status: Active


PRKC's Mighty Little Lady ACP
PRKC's Ring Of Fire Ants ACX ACP ChPC
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
PRKC's Diamond in the Rough
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
HMCP Petz Island #70 Companion Novice February 24, 2014
HMCP Mirror Blue Companion #20 Companion Novice February 17, 2014
HMCP Carpe Diem #37 Companion Novice February 28, 2014
HMCP Arcadian Companion Novice March 1, 2014
HMCP Stormtime #1 Companion Novice April 16, 2014
RCP Purple Hayes Companion #2 Companion Intermediate May 22, 2014
RCP Stormtime #4 Companion Intermediate October 25, 2014
BCP Fango's Halloween Show #31 Companion Intermediate October 31, 2014
BCP Static #30 Companion Advanced January 12, 2015
BCP Feral's Valentines Show #60 Companion Advanced February 28, 2015
RCP Stormtime #10 Companion Advanced May 23, 2015
2nd Insanity #7 Aptitude Novice August 29, 2015
HM SeeAhTay Aptitude Aptitude Novice November 30, 2016
Title Date
NCP April 18, 2014
ICP November 4, 2014
ACP June 22, 2015