GCh Pr Willowdance Bottomless Heart ChPC


Petz Info

Showname: GCh Pr Willowdance Bottomless Heart ChPC

Call Name: Ruffian

PKC#: A143976

Breed: Greyhound

Sex: F

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 10307

Hexed/Bred by:

Handled by:

Registered by: 4548 on August 11, 2013

Status: Retired


BIS W2 W3 G3

Ruffian was perhaps the greatest racehorse to ever set hoof on a track. Her story is amazing, tragic, and yet uplifting. Ruffian was a beast of a mare at 17 hh; she was imposing, elegant, and unstoppable. She ran wire to wire in every race she ever ran in, won an Eclipse award in 1974 and the Triple Tiara a year later.

This mare was so determined to not let another horse pass her that she won the Spinaway (and beat the standing track record; her time is still unbroken today) on a fractured leg.

In 1975, a match race between Ruffian and Foolish Pleasure (the Kentucky Derby winner) was finally set. At the start, Ruffian bumped the gate ending up in second place for the first and only time. She quickly gained ground and went to the lead a head in front of Foolish Pleasure. And then she misstepped. Ruffian broke her right foreleg on a track in front of thousands of absolutely silent people.

Surgery was performed, but she broke her leg again while coming out of anesthesia and was humanely euthanized. It is because of Ruffian that post-anesthesia protocol was improved for horses. Also, in her honor, there has never been another match race held since.

Many say racing killed Ruffian; they blame the sport, the way things are done. Ruffian ran because she wanted to, because she loved it, because she was the best. She died, because she pounded the track for everything she was worth holding nothing back every time she ran. She had speed; she had endless heart; she had greatness.

"As God as my witness, she may even be better than Secretariat."
- Lucien Lauren (Secretariat's trainer)

“That stall will never be occupied as long as I have this barn. There’ll never be a horse worthy of entering it.”
- Frank Whitley (Ruffian's trainer)


This petz has no offspring.


GCh Pr Willowdance Bottomless Heart ChPC
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
BOB DeeOhGee's Awesome August Conformation August 20, 2013
G1 DeeOhGee's Awesome August Conformation August 20, 2013
W3 DeeOhGee's Awesome August Conformation August 20, 2013
BOB Cloonlara #33 Conformation August 27, 2013
G1 Cloonlara #33 Conformation August 27, 2013
W2 Cloonlara #33 Conformation August 27, 2013
BOS Fango #43 Conformation September 1, 2013
AOM Rivendell #6 Conformation August 30, 2013
BOB Carpe Diem #51 Conformation November 29, 2014
BOB Filigree #30 Conformation November 28, 2014
BOB Fango's Big Five-Oh #50 Conformation December 6, 2014
BOS Supernova Conformation December 12, 2014
BOS Bramblewood #14 Grand Conformation January 17, 2015
BHM Houndtastic Summer Celebration! Premier July 29, 2016
BHM Hound July #2 Premier July 25, 2016
BOB Carpe Diem #16 Grand Conformation July 25, 2016
G1 Carpe Diem #16 Grand Conformation July 25, 2016
BIS Carpe Diem #16 Grand Conformation July 25, 2016
BHM Hound April #1 Premier April 27, 2016
BOS DeeOhGee and SeeAhTay Grand November Grand Conformation November 28, 2016
BOB Carpe Diem #17 Grand Conformation November 25, 2016
G3 Carpe Diem #17 Grand Conformation November 25, 2016
AOM Shameless What A Grand Birthday Grand Conformation October 15, 2016
Title Date
Ch December 19, 2014
GPC September 27, 2016
Pr October 6, 2016
XPC October 10, 2016
ChPC October 23, 2016
GCh December 6, 2016