GCh Evergreen's A little piece of a Heart


Petz Info

Showname: GCh Evergreen's A little piece of a Heart

Call Name: Janet

PKC#: A128643

Breed: RagaMuffin

Sex: F

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 574

Hexed/Bred by: 9546

Handled by:

Registered by: 4369 on November 15, 2011

Status: Retired


G: aa CC blbl dd ss ww mcmc tata SpSp dmdm ii Oo Wblow

Fango #33 - HM
Filigree CATZ #13 - HM
Lua Azul #20 - HM
Rebirth Catz-Only #4 - HM
Fango #34 - HM
Hatfield: Happy Birthmonth to Jinja - HM
Riot Minor Conformation #16 - PICK
Bramblewood Dogz Only #20 - PICK
Ferine CATZ #1 - PICK
Hatfield May 2012 - PICK
BCSMA Back In the Game - HM - G2
Lua Azul - CATZ only #21 - PICK
Ferine CATZ #2 - PICK
Filigree #16 - PICK
Fango #36 - PICK
Heartlight #16 - HM
Riot Minor Conformation #18 - HM
Supernova - PICK
Gunhill #14 - PICK
Ferine CATZ #4 - PICK
Filigree #19 - PICK
Hatfield - PICK
Lua Azul Catz #23 - PICK
Fango #39 - PICK
Filigree CATZ #21 - PICK
Supernova - HM

Total: 10

Supernova - PICK
Supernova - BOS
Rebirth Catz Grand #1 - HM
Rebirth Catz Grand #4 - BOB
Rebirth Catz Grand #17 - BOS
Rebirth Catz Grand #18 - HM
Rebirth Catz Grand #19 - BOS
DeeOhGee Grand September - BOB

Total: 12


GCh Evergreen's A little piece of a Heart
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
PICK BCSMA #4 Conformation December 2, 2011
HM Fango #33 Conformation January 14, 2012
HM Filigree CATZ #13 Conformation January 28, 2012
PICK Supernova #95 Conformation February 17, 2012
HM Lua Azul #20 Conformation January 6, 2012
HM Rebirth Catz-Only #4 Conformation February 29, 2012
HM Fango #34 Conformation March 9, 2012
HM Hatfield: Happy Birthmonth to Jinja Conformation March 16, 2012
PICK DeeOhGee Amusing April Conformation April 20, 2012
PICK Riot Minor Conformation #16 Conformation April 20, 2012
PICK Supernova Conformation April 27, 2012
PICK Ferine CATZ #1 Conformation May 15, 2012
PICK Hatfield May 2012 Conformation May 9, 2012
HM BCSMA Back In the Game Conformation May 15, 2012
G2 BCSMA Back In the Game Conformation May 15, 2012
PICK Lua Azul - CATZ only #21 Conformation May 28, 2012
PICK Ferine CATZ #2 Conformation June 17, 2012
PICK Filigree #16 Conformation June 8, 2012
PICK Fango #36 Conformation June 13, 2012
HM Heartlight #16 Conformation June 20, 2012
HM Riot Minor Conformation #18 Conformation June 22, 2012
PICK Supernova Conformation July 23, 2012
PICK Gunhill #14 Conformation September 16, 2012
PICK Ferine CATZ #4 Conformation September 26, 2012
PICK Filigree #19 Conformation October 23, 2012
PICK Hatfield Conformation October 14, 2012
PICK Lua Azul Catz #23 Conformation December 14, 2012
PICK Fango #39 Conformation December 29, 2012
PICK Filigree CATZ #21 Conformation January 15, 2013
HM Supernova Conformation February 28, 2013
PICK Bramblewood #25 Conformation January 28, 2013
PICK Supernova Grand Conformation July 5, 2013
BOS Supernova Grand Conformation September 13, 2013
HM Rebirth Catz Grand #1 Grand Conformation March 28, 2014
BOB Rebirth Catz Grand #4 Grand Conformation December 18, 2014
BOS Rebirth Catz Grand #17 Grand Conformation June 17, 2016
HM Rebirth Catz Grand #18 Grand Conformation July 22, 2016
BOS Rebirth Catz Grand #19 Grand Conformation September 24, 2016
BOB DeeOhGee Grand September Grand Conformation September 28, 2016
Title Date
Ch March 3, 2013
GCh October 17, 2016