
Owner: 11504




There are 50 petz in this kennel.

PKC# Showname Call Name Breed Sex
A171484 Syllabic's Muffled Refrain Laurel German Rex F
A171486 Syllabic's Cupped Flame Copper German Rex M
A171477 Syllabic's Overgrown Lens Hollyhock Highlander F
A171621 Syllabic's Casual Atmosphere Chai Highlander F
A171622 Syllabic's Don't Try Your Luck Clancy Highlander M
A171623 Syllabic's Clouded Forests Mngwa Highlander M
A171624 Syllabic's Panthera Calls Thomas Highlander M
A171636 Fresh Snows of Syllabic Lyrica Highlander F
A171595 DS/Syllabic's Layered Fireworks Jazzalyn Siberian F
A171483 Syllabic's Red Velvet Duchess Standard Dachshund F
P171604 Syllabic's Jump Start Lucria Australian Shepherd F
P171613 Syllabic's Tangerine Mist Citrus Australian Shepherd F
P171614 Syllabic's Flowered Path Flora Australian Shepherd F
P171615 Syllabic's Dusted Hall Poke Australian Shepherd M
P171616 Serpent's Tongue of Syllabic Envidia Australian Shepherd F
P171618 Syllabic's Spilled Ink Zinnia Australian Shepherd F
P171648 Syllabic's Alchemical Folly Antimony Australian Shepherd F
P171649 Syllabic's Caught in the Storm Lexie Australian Shepherd F
P171654 Syllabic's Demerara Dust Callie Australian Shepherd F
P171488 Kizmet/Syllabic's Patience is a Virtue Grace Mixed Breed Cat F
P171493 HKC/Syllabic's Rippling Dream Hyacinth Mixed Breed Cat F
P171494 Syllabic's Pick A Side Elesia Mixed Breed Cat F
P171572 Kizmet/Syllabic's Sober Harlequin Divna Mixed Breed Cat F
P171573 Late-Night Scare of Syllabic Dippy Mixed Breed Cat M
P171574 Syllabic's Midnight Fancy Tori Mixed Breed Cat F
P171575 Syllabic/Kizmet's Summer Storm Haniyya Mixed Breed Cat F
P171577 Syllabic's Always On My Toes Consolation Mixed Breed Cat M
P171578 Syllabic's Quick Talk Kiara Mixed Breed Cat F
P171579 Syllabic's Budding Rose Petal Mixed Breed Cat F
P171586 Syllabic's Split Lip Leaf Mixed Breed Cat F
P171587 The Long, Long Journey of HKC/Syllabic Journey Mixed Breed Cat M
P171588 DS/Syllabic's Strawberry Dreams Annie Mixed Breed Cat F
P171589 HKC/Syllabic's Lost In The Air Aelie Mixed Breed Cat F
P171590 Syllabic's Faulty Wording Sally Mixed Breed Cat F
P171591 Cargo/Syllabic's Warrior Pride Xena Mixed Breed Cat F
P171487 Syllabic's Ripped Spats Daisy Mixed Breed Dog F
P171489 MN/Syllabic's Mountain Grove Holly Mixed Breed Dog F
P171492 Syllabic's Just Playing Tricks Bullseye Mixed Breed Dog M
P171495 MN/Syllabic's Color Drain Lark Mixed Breed Dog F
P171496 Weathered Slate of HKC/Syllabic Kole Mixed Breed Dog M
P171552 Lemon Citrine of Syllabic Lemon Mixed Breed Dog F
P171576 Syllabic's Under the Weather Blizz Mixed Breed Dog M
P171592 Iron Grip of Syllabic Steel Beam Mixed Breed Dog F
P171593 Syllabic's Monochrome Tint Mik Mixed Breed Dog M
P171594 DS/Syllabic's Rocky Road Jingle Mixed Breed Dog M
P171601 Syllabic's Into the Fire Napari Mixed Breed Dog M
P171602 DS/Syllabic's Raspberry Strawman Razz Mixed Breed Dog M
P171603 Syllabic's Go Out Fighting Tyson Mixed Breed Dog M
P171609 Inverted Night of DS/Syllabic Izzy Mixed Breed Dog F
P171647 Syllabic's Perforated Print Etzie Mixed Breed Dog F