West Highland White Terrier












The westie is related to the cairn terrier, and was long seen as a white variety of the cairn.
The dogs of the british highlands had to be tough, strong and brave, yet small enough to follow the foxes, badgers and other animals that they hunted. The west highland white terrier's main creator was Malcolm of Poltalloch, whose interest for this breed arose in the 1860's. According to legend, he lost one of his best red terriers when he mistook it for a fox and shot it by accident, and after that he decided to only keep white dogs. Another man, the Duke of Argyll, was interested in the white terriers as well, and they fought over the name, among other things. The westie got its current name in 1904 and entered shows for the first time in 1905.

The west highland white terrier should be a small, robust and sporty terrier with a great deal of confidence and a troublemaker's expression. The head is carried almost in a 90 degree towards the neck, with powerful jaws and clearly marked stop. The eyes should have a see-through expression. The ears are small, erect and pointy. The neck is rather long and muscular, more coarse towards the chest, which should be deep. The body is compact with a straight back. Short, straight and muscular frontlegs, powerful and well angulated hind. The tail is carried straight up. The coat consists of a straight, hard topcoat and soft undercoat.

Breed Files

Filename: WestieP
Offset: EEAA
Base: Scottie
SCP: Scottie
Accepted: January 5, 2006

Filename: West Highland White Terrier
Offset: 6164
Base: Scottie
SCP: Scottie
Accepted: January 4, 2006

Filename: West Highland White Terrier
Offset: 6164
Base: Scottie
SCP: Scottie
Accepted: December 30, 2005
Notes: Fixed tail and hindquarters.

Filename: WestieP
Offset: EEAA
Base: Mutt
SCP: Mutt
Accepted: June 28, 2004
Notes: Version 2 of the Paranoia file. The file comes with several different body variations: 2 Ruff, 3 Tail, 2 Head fuzz, 4 Body length, 2 Leg length, 3 Eye colour. Angled legs, different kinds of addballs, but moves okay. 2nd generations fine.

Filename: West Highland White Terrier
Offset: 6164
Base: Scottie
SCP: Scottie
Accepted: December 5, 2003
Notes: The Black and White Kennel westie file has featherings which will grow in as the dog ages. It is an updated version of the APKC Westie file.

Filename: West Highland White
Offset: 2606
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: July 15, 1998
Notes: Addballs tail, feathering, and ears. Angled legs. 3 underside variations and 4 tail variations. 2nd gens may have slightly smaller balls in some areas.