Miniature Bull Terrier



Brindle: with striping. Solid may be used to represent heavily brindled dogs.
Among the base colours, brindle is preferred if all else is equal
Tan: with or brindle markings in the traditional or creeping pattern.
Masking: All of the above except solid may be masked with (standard mask)
White Markings: All of the above may have as trim, in the irish spotting, blanket or in the extreme spotting pattern. Dogz with blanket or Irish spotting patterns may have a predominantly white head. Dogz with extreme spotting are preferred to have solid white bodies, with only small markings on the head.
Bull terriers with white as trim or irish spotting do not require white tailtips (other white patterns still require them).


Dogz that are solid or predominately white may have pink eyerims.


Dogz that are solid or predominately white may have spots on the nose (butterfly nose).








The powerful bull terrier is the result of old bulldogs crossed with the now extinct old english white terrier.
The bulldog breed type has been around since at least the late 1700's to early 1800's, when bull fighting was popular in Britain. This 'sport' was made illegal in 1835, and the bulldogs were trained to fight each other instead. By crossing them with terriers, the 'bull and terrier dog' was created, a dog that did not just bite but also fought back. These dogs were in return bred to the white terrier, forming what we know today as the 'bull terrier'.
The creation of this breed is mainly thanks to James Hink from Birmingham, who bred these dogs during the early 1860's in an attempt to get a white-coated more elegant terrier that was still as effective and strong as the fighting dogs. The bull terrier was recognized in 1887.

The bull terrier should be a powerful and agile dog. The head is long, powerful, deep and completely filled out. The ears are small, thin and set close to each other. The neck is arched and very powerful, the chest rounded with a deep chest and straight back. The under line should form a gentle curve.

Breed Files

Filename: Miniature bull terrier
Offset: 0067
Base: Mutt
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: July 1, 2009
Notes: Addballz ears and tail (five carriage variations). Optional liplines. White front of chest may be hard to see in this file, even when present.