Portuguese Podengo



All varieties:
Sable: Red Sable in the Clear, Minimal or Classic pattern. Shading in this breed may only be represented using tipping, not solid colour, except the ears and tailtip which may use solid colour.
White Markings: All of the above may have to any extent (solid white is not allowed).

Also allowed for the miniature variety only:
Solid: all (with or without white markings)
These colours are accepted, but faulted.


except livers which have


on black dogz, on liver dogz.


Wrong eye colour.
Lack of nose pigment (butterfly nose, [flesh] spots on the nose), fault increasing proportionally with lack of pigment.
Black or liver coat in the Miniature variety.


Black or liver coat in the Standard or Intermediate variety).


Standard, Intermediate, Miniature


The portuguese podengo most likely shares its past with the spanish podenco-breeds (including the ibizan hound). The breeds are believed to originate from old egyptian sighthounds.
The portuguese podengo is mainly found in the north of Portugal, where it's used for hunting. Game type is dependant on the dog's size, but mainly all of the sizes are used to chase down rabbits. The hunters use either one dog or a full pack.

The breed is easily recognized for its light and rectangular body. The chest is long, fairly thin and deep. The frontquarters should be thin with straight legs and round, tight paws. The head is triangular, with a broad base and muzzle heavily thinning towards the tip. The eyes are small and almond-shaped. The ears should be large, set high and pointed. The tail is set fairly high, thick at the root and of medium length, ending in a fairly thin tip. It should be carried quite high, in an open curve during movement but not curled.
The breed can be either shorthaired or wirehaired. In both coat types, the hairs should be thick and hard, never soft or fluffy.

Breed Files

Filename: Podengo Portugueso
Offset: 7C79
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Chihuahua
Accepted: August 7, 2007
Notes: Miniature variety. Addballz tail and ears. Ears may sometimes be fuzzier in 2nd gens.