German Spitz




Mittel & Kleinspitz
Tan: with in the traditional pattern.
Grizzle: Grey or Liver grizzle (regular).
Sable: Red or liver sable in any of the patterns.
Urajiro: Allowed on all of the above.
Masking: All of the above except solid may be masked (standard mask). Mask matches main body - Cream/Red dogz may be masked with .
White Markings: White is allowed on any of the above colours in any amount. Light to medium ticking allowed.


except in livers of all kinds which have


except in livers of all kinds which have


Incorrect eye or nose colour. Incomplete or asymmetrical patterns.




Grosspitz, Mittelspitz, Kleinspitz


The german spitz, like other spitzes, is a very old type of dog. Despite this, they were rarely mentioned in literature before the 1700s. French de Buffon (1707-88) and Carl von Linneaus (1707-78) were both among the first, and spoke of the small, usually white, spitz from Pomerania. Spitzes of all sizes were common in Germany and during the 1800s many were exported around the world, in particular to Britain, were the modern Pomeranian was formed.
The spitzes were classified after size during the 1800s, but it wasn't until the 1900s that the varities were finally decided upon. The dogs were originally kept as watchdogs, and many are still very "talk-active"!

All german spitzes share standard except for size, and in the case of the grosspitz, colour. The back should be as short as possible, together with the highly set set - which covers part of the back - giving a rounded outline. The frontlegs should be straight and the paws as small as possible. The head should be wedge-shaped with a rather short muzzle (in particular in the smaller sizes). The ears are small and set high on the head.

Breed Files

Filename: Kleinspitz
Offset: 2357
Base: Chihuahua
SCP: Chihuahua
Accepted: May 29, 2006
Notes: Kleinspitz variety. Addball ears, ruff, feathers and tail. Slightly angled legs. Breeds true except frontlegs which are fuzzier in 2nd gens. Best to breed similar colours. Two fur amount variations included.

Filename: Mittelspitz
Offset: 36D7
Base: Chihuahua
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: May 17, 2006
Notes: Mittelspitz variety. Addball ears, ruff, feathers and tail. Slightly angled legs. Breeds true except frontlegs which are fuzzier in 2nd gens. Best to breed similar colours. Two ruff size variations included.

Filename: Grosspitz
Offset: 2346
Base: Labrador
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: May 9, 2006
Notes: Grosspitz variety. Addball ears, ruff, feathers and tail. Slightly angled legs. Breeds true except frontlegs which are fuzzier in 2nd gens.