Polish Lowland Sheepdog



The first four may have eartips.
Tan: with markings in the traditional pattern. Tan above the eyes is often covered up by long fur in this breed.
Masking: All of the above may be masked (standard mask). The mask is in all except livers, which are masked with . Solid cream/red dogz can be masked with either.
White Markings: All of the above may come with or without white in any amount.
All colours may have a slight bit of stained fur on the jowls.


except in livers which have


except in livers which have . Cream dogz that do not have a mask may have


Incorrect nose colour. Incorrect eye colour.






May be docked.
The polish lowland sheepdog is believed to have come to Europe with immigrating asian people who came several thousand years ago. They brought both mastiff-like mountain dogs, as well as smaller longhaired breeds that worked as sheep herders. These dogs are believed to be very similar to the modern polish lowland sheepdog, and originally came in several sizes, one of them similar to the bearded collie.

Until the 1970's this breed was very rare around the world, but today it can be seen in several countries and has gained popularity especially in Britain.

Breed Files

Filename: PDHPoLoSh
Offset: 0202
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: December 31, 2003
Notes: Eyes are visible as a puppy. Must be registered with eyes showing. Both tailed and docked versions included in file, four tail variations in total.

Filename: CS Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Offset: 9842
Base: Sheepdog
SCP: Sheepdog
Accepted: December 13, 2003
Notes: Comes with an addball droptail, two types of bobbed tails and tailless. Angled legs and addball ears. Eyes are not visible in adults, so must be registered as puppies.