Thai Ridgeback Dog



Sable: Red Sable, Blue or Isabella Sable as Clear or Minimal. is an additional accepted base colour for Red Sable.
Masking: Sables are preferred to be masked (small or standard mask). Mask colour follows the Sable shading colour when present - in Clear Sables the dog may be masked with
White Markings: Allowed as trim on the chest and/or feet only.


in black dogz.
in blues.
in isabellas.


in black dogz
in blue dogz
in isabella dogz
Clear Sables can have any of the above - if they are masked, the nose follows the mask colour.


Wrong eye colour.


Lack of ridge. Liver pigment.




An ancient hunting dog of Thailand, the thai ridgeback dog is the only modern breed besides the rhodesian ridgeback that has a ridge of hair growing in the wrong direction on its back. It may sometimes have a blue tongue, suggesting east-asian heritage. The breed gained attention on the island Dao Phu Quoc 360 years ago, but was mentioned as early as 400 years before that. Some claim it orginates from the african ridged khoidog, which is the breed the rhodesian ridgeback comes from.

The thai ridgeback should appear slightly rectangular with a ridge on the back, muscular and agile. The head should have a long and powerful muzzle with marked stop and flat skull. The ears are set rather wise apart, large and triangular, carried slightly forward. The neck is strong and muscular, carrying the head high. Strong back with deep chest and tuck up. The tail should be carried high. The coat is short and soft with a typical ridge of hair growing in the wrong direction on the back.

Breed Files

Filename: Thai ridge
Offset: 6665
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: December 29, 2005
Notes: Angled legs - movements are good but sit is a bit off. Addball ridge, ears and wrinkles. May be unsuitable for obedience.

Filename: FP Thai
Offset: A683
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: December 15, 2003
Notes: Males are larger than females, the file has two types of tails included as well as four different types of ridges. All are equally accepted.

Filename: Thai ridge
Offset: 6665
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: October 30, 2003