


Sable: Red sable in minimal pattern. May have more shading on upper body than just withers. with shading not accepted for sable.
Brindle: with striping.
Masking: All of the above may be masked with (standard mask).
White Markings: Always has as a minimum on all four feet on at least the toes/fingers, as a chest patch and on the tailtip. White is also allowed on the head/muzzle, throat and/or as a neck ring and on the paws/legs.
Ticking/Roaning: Slight ticking is allowed.


preferred, allowed.


, a dudley nose ( spot in the middle) is allowed but not preferred.




Lack of white toes/fingers.
[95] with [35] shading is not accepted for sable.




An African sighthound - the standard is French. The azawakh is believed to be a really old breed, and is closely related to the saluki and the sloughi. It originally comes from central Nigeria, where the Azawakh valley can be found. The dogs were used to hunt different types of game, mainly antelope and hare, but were also kept as guardians and companions. Typical for the breed is that it never kills the prey on its own, since the meat would soon be wasted in the heat.
It wasn't until the 1960's that the dog was discovered and brought to Europe, and then mainly France (which is the reason France is mentioned as home country of the breed). It reached Germany in the 1970's, and today it can be seen in several countries.

The ideal azawakh is described as ''fast enough to catch a gazelle, hare or wild sheep, brave enough to scare off large predators, with the endurance of a camel, and beauty of an arabian horse''. The head is carried proudly, with a slight stop and long, thin muzzle. The ears are small and held close to the head. The neck is long and elegant, the chest deep. The topline should be straight, but the loins are often placed higher than the shoulders. The tail is long and thin. The coat is short and fine.

Breed Files

Filename: CS Azawakh
Offset: CC10
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: July 31, 2006
Notes: Dosnt breed true with the version 1, four addball tails, optional claws, addballz helping body shape.

Filename: CS Azawakh
Offset: CC10
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: February 18, 2005
Notes: Addball tail and claws, angled legs and a couple of tail variations.

Accepted: January 31, 2004

Filename: Azawakh
Offset: F0DD
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: January 15, 2004
Notes: May be able to do obedience - can sit but may not run well.