European Burmese



Burmese: Seal, chocolate, blue, lilac, red, cream and the tortie varieties of these colours are accepted.



Matches surrounding coat.


Wrong nose colour.






The European or Foreign Burmese is a sister breed to the American Burmese. The primary difference between the two is that American breeders preferred a cobbier, rounder cat and the traditional four colours whereas European breeders preferred a more moderate type with gently rounded contours. The reason for the additional colours is that following World War II, European breeders by necessity had to outcross their pure Burmese stock to Siamese (which had already been crossed to other varieties by this time, creating what would be known in America as the Colourpoint Shorthair), and they so liked the reds and tortoiseshells that resulted that they stayed in the breed. In recent years, American fanciers who disliked the more extreme American-style Burmese began to import European-style Burmese, but because of the outcross they were unable to be registered as Burmese and so they became their own breed: the European Burmese. (In Europe, European Burmese are known simply as Burmese; American Burmese are registered as Burmese in Europe and thought to be poor examples of type!)

Type & judging remarks
Similar to the American Burmese, except that the head is less rounded and the body is a rectangle rather than a square. Overall the cat is larger, leggier, and less cobby.

Breed Files

Filename: EBurmese
Offset: 1351
Accepted: February 15, 2014
Notes: Two texture variations.

Filename: SN Burmese
Offset: 2234
Base: Russian Blue
SCP: Russian Blue
Accepted: June 1, 2007
Notes: Addballz ears. Two texture variations (either solid all over or with darker points).