


Sable: Red sable in clear or minimal pattern.
Tan: with in the traditional, creeping or saddle pattern.
Masking: All of the above may have masking (any type of mask).
Ubi Soft Papillons may be with masking. The black and white Ubi Soft papillons may lack texture on some areas.
White Markings: All colours always with in the blanket, piebald or extreme spotting pattern. Ears must be coloured. The head and ears must be coloured, may have white head/facial markings - a blaze is desirable, but must not surround the eyes. More white on the head is faulted in proportion to how much white is present, a solid white head is DQed. Light to medium ticking is allowed.




White on the ears and/or surrounding the eyes.


Solid white head.


Papillon, Phalene


Small toy spaniels, usually white with red or black patches, have been depicted for over a thousand years. They most likely originate from toy variations of hunting spaniels, or possibly asian toy dogs.
Phalène-like dogs can be seen on numerous painting from several hundred years ago, while the papillon variety did not appear until the late 1800's.

The papillon is considered the world's only working toy breed, and has been trained to be a rescue dog, among other things. There are also papillon obedience champions.
Both varieties (papillon and phalene) should give the impression of being elegant toy spaniels with a beautiful abundant coat. The muzzle is shorter than the skull, with a clearly marked stop. The lips should be dry. The eyes should be rather large and expressive. The ears are set rather far back and well apart. They can be hanging (phalene) or erect (papillon). The body should have a deep and broad chest with straight back and slight tuck up. The tail is set high and curved over the back. The coat lacks undercoat, and should be shorter on the head and frontsides of the leg, and longer on the neck, backsides of the legs, underside and tail.

Breed Files

Filename: Phalene
Offset: 2352
Base: Chihuahua
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: August 3, 2007
Notes: Phalene variety. As for the Supernova V2 papillon, but with hanging ears. Two ear length variations.

Filename: Papillon
Offset: C108
Base: Chihuahua
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: June 20, 2007
Notes: Papillon variety. Addballz ears (two fur amount variations) and tail (can be held on either side of the back), two muzzle lengths.

Filename: PapillionP
Offset: A66E
Base: Chihuahua
SCP: Chihuahua
Accepted: January 5, 2006
Notes: Phalene & Papillon varieties. Version one - has an addballz tail and addballz ear fuzz.

Filename: Phalene
Offset: 2352
Base: Chihuahua
SCP: Chihuahua
Accepted: December 29, 2005
Notes: Phalene variety. Addball ears and feathering. Tail can be made in Move or addball (the latter can go down either side of the back). Includes two muzzle lengths and three ear lengths.

Filename: Papillon
Offset: C108
Base: Chihuahua
SCP: Chihuahua
Accepted: December 29, 2005
Notes: Papillon variety, as for Phalene variety, but with erect ears (2 lengths included).

Filename: PapillonP
Offset: 0AC5
Base: Chihuahua
SCP: Chihuahua
Accepted: December 2, 2003
Notes: The Paranoia file has an inherent problem with linez - when a hat that is placed is taken off from the dog, its linez will go all over the place. Also includes the Phalene variation. Has addballz ears, tail and feathering.

Filename: Papillon
Offset: 0304
Accepted: September 1, 1998
Notes: Papillon variety. The original unhexed Ubisoft file, as released for Petz 5.