Labrador Retriever



White Markings: Allowed as a small chest patch.

White Markings: Allowed as a small chest patch.

Solid: - The last two may have ears.
All may have a darker shade of the main colour as shading on the ears, upper body and/or tailtip.
White Markings: Allowed as a small chest patch.


in dogz with black pigment - is accepted but less preferred
in dogz with liver pigment


in Blacks and Yellows.
in Chocolates. Also allowed but faulted in Yellows.
Livers of the PF Magic file may have without fault.

Yellow dogz may have a spot in the centre of the nose ('dudley nose') but a wholly pink nose is faulted.


Liver pigment in the Yellow variety. Wrong eye colour.


A dudley nose on any colour other than Yellow.


Black, Chocolate, Yellow


The labrador retriever, despite its name, is a british breed. The main ingredient in creating the breed was the canadian Saint John-dog which was imported in the 1800's. The third Earl of Malmesbury especially helped form the type as we know it today, and many hunters, among them the duke of Buccleugh, Scotland, took note of his successfull retrievers, and many labradors were imported to Scotland between 1835 and 1845. The breed was officially recognized in 1903.
Because it is a work-loving and easy-to-train breed, the labrador is kept not only as a hunter, but has also been trained to be a seeying eye dog, to find drugs and many other jobs, not to mention be an excellent companion breed, provided it gets enough exercise and training.

The labrador retriever is a strong, compact and agile dog with a friendly disposition. It should have a rather broad with marked stop, powerful jaws and large nostrils. The eyes should have a friendly expression. The ears are set far back on the head, rather small and held close to the head. The neck is powerful, strong and dry. The chest is deep, the back short and straight. Strong, straight front legs with well angulated hind. The tail is one of the breed's trademarks, of medium length and well covered in hair, a so-called otter-tail. The coat is another typical trait of the breed: Short, straight, rather hard and water resistant.

Breed Files

Filename: Labrador Retriever
Offset: E603
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: December 9, 2013
Notes: Three heaviness variations, three height variations, four tail variations, and optional nails. Second generation dogs have minor issues with back feet.

Filename: GK Labrador
Offset: 6D1E
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: May 5, 2007
Notes: May not be suitable for obedience. Three addball tail variations (down, out, and something in between), hind legs anchored to belly, and forelegs anchored to chest. Make sure to read standard before sending in petz for registration as some color variations found in this file aren't listed. 2nd gens may have slightly smaller noses.

Filename: MCK Labrador
Offset: 6A13
Base: Labrador
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: May 30, 2006
Notes: Three addball tail variations (two shown), Three tuck up variations (light, heavy, medium), leg length variations optional claws. Note that not all colours in this file are A-registerable.

Filename: Lab
Offset: 9124
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: December 31, 2005
Notes: Angled legs and addball tail.

Filename: FTK Lab
Offset: 5688
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: February 20, 2005
Notes: Males are larger and heavier than females. Two types of tails included.

Filename: CS Labrador
Offset: FC69
Base: Labrador
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: January 11, 2005
Notes: Has angled legs and hence obedience trials may be difficult. Has an addball tail, two body variations and three tuck up variations.

Filename: OMK Lab
Offset: 0009
Base: Labrador
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: October 4, 2003
Notes: Addball tail and angled legs.

Filename: Labrador
Offset: FB03
Base: Labrador
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: September 1, 1998
Notes: The original unhexed PFMagic file, as released for Petz II. Note, the yellow lab has paintballs under the nose by default. If a choc or black dog inherit these spots it can look like a dark moustache on the darker fur colours. It is not faulted.